Genuine Car Parts
”ONE PIECE AT A TIME” sang Johnny Cash in his amusing song about a man who wanted to build his dream car which he could not afford at the time. The problem was that he took so long the parts were manufactured in different years and were made for constantly upgraded models.
Whatever model our ”pride and joy” is, we are all tempted to keep costs to a minimum – after all motoring has always been expensive. So often, buying the manufacturer’s made parts seems expensive when comparing the offerings from alternative sources. This is even more true now that we have the world wide web at our fingertips.
However, those who have invested in Japanese import models will testify to the fact that they are different to the European standard equivalent. They often look the same to the naked eye but try replacing even a front wing and the minor difference involved makes it a case of overlapping bodywork!
So it can be with all vehicle parts.
Whatever the part, there are differences all over the world. What fits one does not necessarily fit another and the one thing that you can guarantee is that you will never know until you have stripped down the job and tried to fit the new part.
Then there is the question of manufacturer’s quality. Car parts can be made in different ways and the quality of engineering metal parts will vary depending on the raw materials used.
So do yourself a favour. Get the right part for the right model, made for the right year, from the right materials and save in the long run.